BUYMA Books is a service that provides an application where you can purchase, download and review translated books from around the world.
Authors and publishing companies can register with BUYMA books and have their material translated into other languages by BUYMA Books translators.
The books that have been translated will be uploaded onto the BUYMA Books website where they can be sent and sold anywhere in the world.
※Authors, publishers and translators can register on the BUYMA Books website.
Materials available for purchase come with a free sample reading. Readers can highlight pages, increase the font up to 10 sizes, change the background color, and change the page format.
The BUYMA Books homepage shows what books are available for purchase, free downloadable sample readings, and information on forwarding books via email and sharing them on Facebook.
【My Books】
Purchased books and free samples can be downloaded here.
Highlighted and marked parts of books can be saved and managed here. Highlighted portions can also be quoted and shared on places like the BUYMA Books website or Facebook.